


Press Time:2020-12-17 Viewed:
  •  Public transportation

East Gate: XUE YUAN LU BEI KOU Station

Buses: 26, 392, 398, 438, etc.

South Gate: CHENG FU LU KOU XI Station

Buses: 86, 307,508,562,630.

Southwest Gate: Beijing Language and Culture University Station

Buses: 86, 307, 331, 375,398.

  •  Subway

Line 13 Wudaokou Station

Line 15 Liudaokou Station

Line 15 Qinghuadongluxikou Station

Tips: In order to quickly and conveniently board buses and subways, it’s a good idea to have an IC card. The IC card requires a 20 RMB charge for card and can be topped up at any time. With an IC card there no need to line up to buy tickets every time you want to ride the bus or subway, you can just swipe your card. You can get a discount for the bus ride as well

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