

Accommodation Regulations

Press Time:2021-04-26 Viewed:

In order to further strengthen the institutionalized, standardized and refined management of international students' dormitories, we ensure that students living on campus will have a safe, healthy, comfortable accommodation environment. These regulations are formulated in accordance with relevant laws in China and rules and regulations of Beijing Language and Culture University.

1.International students who have valid ordinary passport and have registered can apply for on-campus residence.

(1) According to the regulations of Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau and requirements of Entry and Exit Administration Department, international students living on campus must hold a valid passport, X1 or X2 visa, study residence permit and other documents that meet residence requirements. The dormitory buildings are only available to international students studying at BLCU. BLCU does not provide housing for couples or families.

(2) During the period of residence, when the visa or residence permit is about to expire, students must submit an application for extension to the advisor of their college in advance, and they must follow procedures by submitting required materials to relevant units of the Administrative Department of Entry-Exit of Beijing Public Security Bureau. When completing the procedures, the certification materials issued by Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau, the change of accommodation information shall be re-applied within 24 hours. After re-entering China, you must re-register the accommodation information within 24 hours. Otherwise, you are not allowed to continue living on campus.

2.Students’ accommodation period should be the same as their schooling period. For students who study for more than 6 months, the accommodation fee is paid by semester; for students who study for less than 6 months, the accommodation fee is paid at one time. The accommodation deposit is paid according to different accommodation standards.

(1) When paying for accommodation, self-funded students must first pay the accommodation fee and then check in. If in special circumstances in which payment after check-in is approved, the stay shall not exceed 3 days from the date of check-in. If the overdue payment is not received (and there is no wire transfer certificate), it shall be deemed as an automatic waiver of accommodation. Students will need to pay the overdue accommodation and move out of the room.

(2) Scholarship students should be accommodated in accordance with the standard of scholarship, subject to the arrangement and adjustment of the International Student Accommodation Center, and orderly check in. If there are extra beds, you may choose to live in a dormitory with better conditions. You are required to pay the difference in accommodation fee. Students who stay for more than 6 months need to pay the accommodation fee for 30 days at a time. If the difference for accommodation fee has not been paid for more than 3 days, students will be transferred back to the original accommodation standard. Scholarship students who are eligible for Chinese Government Scholarship or Confucius Institute Scholarship enjoy free accommodation. They also can propose to live off campus and apply for an accommodation subsidy. They may apply for an off-campus housing subsidy at the International Student Office of the college according to the regulations.

(3) Students who have already paid the accommodation fee on campus and need to check out in advance for personal reasons must obtain the approval of the management department in advance. For check-out and refunds, they should inform the payment desk (the reception hall or Building No.17) one week in advance. The check-out time is generally no later than 12:00 on the last day of the accommodation fee. For those who have not returned room card, the accommodation fee will be calculated based on the time of returning the card.

(4) Students who have been approved to suspend from school shall go through the check-out procedure on time. Students who apply for a stay visa may apply for extension of residence. The specific extension time shall be arranged according to the approval time of the management department.

3.Obey the rules of dormitory building management, and receive visitors only during visiting hours. Students are not allowed to receive guests in the dormitory outside of visiting hours. Visitors should register with the valid documents at the service desk and must leave the building before 22:00 on the same day. It is strictly forbidden for guests to stay past visiting hours or stay overnight.

Dormitory visiting time: 16:00-22:00 on weekdays, 9:00-22:00 on holidays.

Dormitory closed time: 00:00 - 6:00

In case of late return due to special circumstances, please ring the doorbell and register the late return and then enter the dormitory. During closed time, you are not allowed to bring in other students who do not live in the building, nor to stay in the duty room for an extended time or to make noises that to disturb others' rest.

4.Earnestly maintain the order and security of the dormitory. Prevent running toilets, gas leaks and fire accidents. If a fire or other accidents is caused due to violation of regulations, students who have broken the rules shall bear the corresponding responsibility and compensate for all losses, and shall receive serious punishment. Please take note of the following special reminders regarding prohibited behaviors. You MUST NOT:

(1) use or keep a kerosene stove, alcohol stove, candles and other naked flame appliance or high-power equipment such as refrigerators, microwave ovens, electric stove, electromagnetic stove, electric heaters, electric cookers, electric water boilers in the dormitory.

(2) Inflammable, explosive or poisonous substances are also prohibited. If you place or keep any goods in the public areas such as the corridors, kitchen, restroom, the dormitory staff will have the right to remove them. It is strictly forbidden to store dangerous articles such as firearms, controlled knives and drones that are prohibited by the public security department in the dormitory.

(3) Partake in illegal activities such as gambling, illegal trading, selling and spreading porn videos or publications, taking or trafficking drugs and fighting in the dormitory.

(4) damage, disassemble or remodel the facilities of the dormitory. Otherwise you will have to compensate for the damage or loss.

(5) place inflammable things on electric appliance or lamps. Be sure to turn off the electric appliances and lamps before leaving the building.

(6) It is forbidden to damage or remove fire-fighting equipment and appliances. It is strictly forbidden to block safety facilities and equipment such as surveillance cameras, sprinklers and smoke detectors. It is not allowed to move furniture and equipment in the dormitory building at will.

(7) If you want to use your power strip, please purchase a qualified assured product and use it correctly. It is forbidden to arbitrarily pull or connect the power supply; do not put outlets near the heater; do not put sockets (string lights, lanterns) on the flammable materials such as bedding; do not burn paper products in the dormitory building. Use of open flames, candles, incense, etc., is prohibited in dormitory buildings. No smoking.

(8) violate management regulations on the dormitory’s public kitchen and laundry.

(9) It is forbidden to hold birthdays, festivals, religious and other gatherings in the dormitory building. It is forbidden to make loud noises, play loud music, dance intensely or engage in entertainment activities that affect others.

5.Students should sign Acknowledgement Letter of Accommodation Regulations for International Students (two copies, one for student and one for accommodation department), and it will be handed over to the staff in the building within one week after check-in. Those who refuse to sign the letter cannot live on campus.

6.During the student's stay, he or she must cooperate with dormitory staff and move into the designated room.

(1) If you need to change the room for special reasons, you should apply to dormitory management department. Only after receiving approving will you be allowed to change the rooms. It is strictly forbidden to change the dormitories without permission.

(2) When there is a vacant dorm bed, students living in the dormitory should actively cooperate with dormitory staff to Accommodate himself/herself with another tenant. Students are not allowed to seize, transfer or sublease the dorm bed. The room key can only be used by students themselves, and they are not allowed to lend it to others.

(3) If you have stayed outside the school for more than 2 weeks without the approval of management staff and accommodation department, you will be deemed to have automatically abandoned the on-campus dormitory and will no longer receive arranged accommodation.

(4) When a student is in an abnormal situation and causes inconvenience or panic among other students, accommodation staff can transfer him or her to a safer and quieter dormitory.

7.During the period of living on campus, students are not allowed to obstruct the normal work of staff. It is not allowed to insult, frame, curse or hit staff.

8.When students come to the room for the first time, they should check whether items in the room are in accordance with the “Item Registration Card” list, and whether the supporting facilities are in working order. If anything is lacking or damaged, dormitory staff should be promptly informed. Otherwise, if any item is lost or damaged after check-in, students will need to compensate for the loss or damage; if the items in the public area are damaged, students will need to compensate as well.

9.Students should take care of the dormitory environment during their stay and are not allowed to hang or paste items in rooms, on doors, walls or public facilities, nor can students paint rooms, doors, walls or public facilities. Otherwise, all costs due to the restoration of the original appearance shall be borne by students. It is not allowed to dry clothes on curtain rods. It is not allowed to hang any flags in the dormitory.

10.Keep your room clean, put garbage in trash cans, and maintain a clear and unimpeded corridor; do not hang items outside the window, or place or dispose items outside the window; do not raise poultry, livestock, small animals or other pets in the dormitory.

11.When students leave their room, they should lock the doors, windows, drawers, etc. in time, and properly store their valuables. Large amounts of cash should be deposited. Otherwise, if valuables are lost, the school will only assist in the investigation and will not be liable for compensation.

12.Students who graduate from school should go through check-out procedures on time. The bedding, furniture, electronic appliances, door keys, etc. must be kept well. Any loss or damage shall be compensated.

13.Students who violate regulations on accommodation management shall, in addition to the provisions of the above-mentioned items, also receive criticism and education, and sign Accommodation Violation Record warning. In case of serious circumstances or refusal to correct behavior, the student’s eligibility of accommodation shall be canceled.

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